Menu Path: Service Calls
The Service calls maintains a schedule of work orders by date and customer. The process tracks meter activity as well as finalizing accounts. Service calls can be set up to automatically bill the customer if appropriate.
Date: Service Calls are presented by Date. The user may enter a specific date or use the arrows to move forward and back through the calendar. As the date is changed, the service calls for that date are displayed.
Time: The user may enter a specific time for the service call. This field is optional.
Request: Select the appropriate task to be performed from the list provided. These tasks are user-defined in the Transaction Types table.
Customer: Enter the customer’s account number. The user may scan for an account number.
Assigned To: Service calls may be assigned to a specific crew. The list of crews is maintained by the user in the Service Crews table. This field is optional.
Work Order Number: The system automatically assigns the next available work order number.
Estimate: The user may enter the amount of time that is estimated to complete this service call. This information could be used to help schedule other service calls. The field is optional.
Complete?: Once the service call has been completed, this box must be checked Once the box is checked, the system will include this service call in the Daily Processing function.
Instructions: The user may enter any instructions for the crew. This information is printed on the Service Call.
Contact: Initially, this field is set to the customer name, but the user may change this name in the event the customer is not the contact person.
Address: The system will set this field to the service address.
Phone: Initially, the system will set this field to the telephone number on the customer master record, bu the user may change it to the telephone number of the contact.
If the user selects this button, the system will display the window to edit the transaction types.
If the user selects this button, the system will print all service calls schedule for this date. The following is the standard service call worksheet.
If the user selects this button, a summary of all scheduled service calls will be printed.
If the user selects this button, the system will display all services for all prior dates that have not been flagged as complete.
If the user selects this button, the system will prepare a journal of all completed service calls. This journal will include service calls from all prior dates.