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ProgramTrak© is designed to provide an organization with a tool for tracking camp and event registrations.  There are basically three types of registrations that can be handled by ProgramTrak.   The types are:



Resident/Day Camps

Group Camps


Program/Event registration requires that a Program/Event be setup for each session to be offered and linked to a location where the session will be held.  The applicant group is then registered into a particular program/event session, which reduces the available capacity for this session.


Resident/Day Camp registration requires that an the Camp Program be setup for each session to be offered and linked to a location (Camp) where the camp session will be held.  The applicant individual or group is registered into a particular camp session, which reduces the available capacity for this session.


Group Camping registration requires that Camp Locations and Campsites (Location Units) be setup for each Camp and Campsite that will be used for Group Camping.  The applicant’s group is registered into a particular Campsite for a particular period of time.  Up to three groups may be registered into a camp site, providing, the capacity is not exceeded.  Once a time period has been assigned and the capacity exceeded, no other Group can be registered for the Campsite during this time period.


General Capabilities


Linked to Membership files                   Maintains capacity for Events/Camps    Schedule for Group Camping

Creates Receivable for Registration       Registration transaction history              Payment transaction history

Multiple registrations for Event              Varying rates by type registrant             Rates by Camp/program

Maintains Ethnic statistics                      Maintains Disability statistics                 Confirmations printed

Application fee can reduce amt due       Camp Location/Unit data                      Program Bus Scheduling

Directions to Camp Location                Enrollment Data by Program/Camp


Master Files and Transaction Entry


            Program Master                                   Camp Program Master                         Location Master

            Unit Master                                          Bus Master                                           Individual Registrant data

Event Registrations                               Resident/Day Camp Registrations         Group Camp Registrations

            Troop Event Transactions                     Troop Camp Transactions                    Troop Group Transactions




Confirmation Letters                 Rosters


Balance Due                             Revenue


Disability Statistics                    Labels


Ethnic Statistics                         Enrollment


Past Due Balances