| Microsoft KnowledgeBase |
This site provides access to issues and questions which have been identified and addressed by Microsoft. The user can search for resolutions to questions or specific error messages. |
| Innerhost |
Innerhost is the provider selected to support and maintain web sites designed and hosted by MRA. |
| localconnect |
Localconnect is the current Internet Service Provider (ISP) used by MRA. They provide dial-up, direct connections, T3, T1 and frame connections, web services and scripting to their customers. |
| Ipswitch |
Ipswitch provides the ftp transfer utility used by MRA to move large files to and from client sites. It is necessary to have copy of the utility installed to complete any transfers requested by MRA. Instructions on ftp transfer to/from MRA. |
| Winzip |
Zip files are "archives" used for distributing and storing files. Zip files contain one or more files. Usually the files "archived" in a Zip are compressed to save space. Zip files make it easy to group files and make transporting and copying these files faster. |
Acrobat Reader |
Many documents are provided in a universal format that is created by Adobe and displayed using the Acrobat Reader. Acrobat Reader is a program that is provided free of charge and is available through the referenced site. |