Write-Down Adjustments

Menu Path: Monthly > Write Down Adjustments


This process provides a procedure for identifying final accounts that have a balance that is a small credit balance that will not be issued a refund or a positive balance that will not be collected. The system does this be creating an Adjustments batch that will bring the customer’s account to a zero balance.



Billing Group: Select the billing group from the list provided.

Batch ID: Enter a unique batch ID or allow the system to generate a batch ID number automatically.

Process Date: Enter the process date for the batch. If the user double-clicks on this field, the system will automatically assign the current date to this field.

Post Month Year: Enter the post month/year for the batch. The system will default the current post month year from the Parameters table.

Accounts to Review: Select the accounts to be included in the review from the list provided. The user may select active accounts, final accounts or both.

Minimum Amount To Write Down: The system will use this as the smallest amount that will be written off. Typically, this would be $0.01 more than the minim refund amount. For example, if refunds are issued for any credit greater than $5.00, then the minimum amount would be set to –4.99. This would clear those accounts with small credit balances.

Maximum Amount To Write Down: The system will use this as the largest amount to write down. If all old open balances should be considered, this field should be set to $999,999.99. A lesser amount would be used, if the user is going to pursue large amounts due through a formal collection process.

Days Since Last Activity: The system will only review those accounts that have no activity (bills, payments, adjustments) for the past x days. This will allow the user to select older accounts.