MasterTrak | Applications | Overview
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The MasterTrak© Job Cost application
provides the Contractor or Manufacturer with a system for accumulating all costs
related to jobs that have been established.
A complete audit trail is maintained using a detail record for each job
cost transaction by fiscal month and year.
Each accounting application generates job cost distributions based upon
the type of transaction being processed.
These distributions are identified by the source application and the
type of originating transaction. Job
Cost activity can be reported by Job, Cost Category (i.e. Phase, Item, Class)
and by source application, source transaction type and individual cost/billing
The Job Cost
application maintains master files to store demographic and budget data related
to each job. The information that is
stored includes such data as customer, description of work, address, labor rate
package, job completion status, and retention to be held.
General Capabilities
by Job Reporting by
Cost Category Reporting by
Job detail transaction
by category Multiple phases
and items Type
Charges(labor, material,etc.)
date Retention by job Original
Contract/Change Orders
Include committed Costs Apply Percent Complete
Master Files and
Job Master Phases, Items, Classes Job Billing/Receipts
Cost Burden Rates Cost Adjustment Batches Cost Entry Batches
Cost Category Job Cost Clearance Percent Completion
Archive Job History
Job Summary Job Cost Category
Job Detail Over-Under
Job Cash Flow Bond Reporting
Job Statements Work
in Process
New Contracts Completed Jobs